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Vital Things That You Must Know Regarding Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is performed to restore the shape of one’s breast that was completely or partially removed. This surgery can be easily performed with one’s own body tissue or else with the implants. When the tissues of one’s breasts are detached via mastectomy, there remains only the thin coat of skin and thus, the implants generally go behind the muscles of chest and in front of chest walls. However, the absence of breast tissues just after mastectomy usually makes it even daunting to attain that natural look. But a reconstructive surgery, when performed in the best manner, can make it easier to match the implants to the natural shape of the breasts and achieve symmetry.

Are you keen to opt for a breast reconstruction surgery? If yes, we have compiled some interesting facts about the treatment that is a must for you to know.

One Size Never Fits All

Just like precision medicine, reconstruction must also be tailored considering the patient. There are a number of factors that must be considered when talked about choosing the best method. The reputable plastic surgeon always guides one via the procedure of figuring out what’s best, keeping the shape, size as well as the ability of matching the existing breast in case of unilateral mastectomy in mind. Reconstruction either uses the existing tissue from body or synthetic implant.

Not Everyone Opts For Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction isn’t the mandatory part of treating cancer. But the breast cancer survivors mostly prefer having this surgical treatment to enhance their shape and size. However, they should consider the varied surgical options into account while assessing what they perceive can be the emotional and physical benefits as well as the impact on the sense of desirability.

Nipples Are Indeed the Whole Other “Thing”

Often during breast cancer, the nipples aren’t spared as they are attached to breast tissues which could turn cancerous. Women are generally said to let the breasts settle for 3 months so the areola and nipple can be easily placed in appropriate position. However, nipple placement needs its own process of reconstruction and thus, there are varied methods for that including:

• Making use fat and tissue of reconstructed breasts.

• Using tissue from opposite nipple in case, it’s pointy or large.

• Using tissue from the other part of body.

If you’re interested to have this surgery, it is a must for you to research well in order to find the trusted expert. In case, you’re looking for the best plastic surgeon in Cape Town, you can feel free to ask for referrals from your friends or relatives. Make sure to rely on a professional with years of experience in the medical field.

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